French cuisine is one of the most exquisite foods around the world, the french couisine has been taken as a model in many culinary schools as a base for cooking because of its tecnique, a little bit complicated. The french are very careful with their food, they care every detail though it is an easy recipe, traditional French chefs are trying to keep the antique cuisine, but modern chefs are mixing up the ingredients to get a special meal, in many cases they are trying to experiment the union of french cuisine with those of other countries. And there are also some places where foreign cuisine is on sale, for example, North African, Moroccan, Caribbean and Asiatic food. The worst part is for vegetarian people, there are some places with vegetarian food in towns and in other cities, but you'll better opt for going to any pizzeria and ask for a vegetarian pizza or making your own food, there are plenty of markets where you can make your buys. Each region of France has its own cuisine, besides of them there are also the Loire Valley cuisine, the Basque cuisine and the Roussillon cuisine, so if you travel along France you'll know each region flavour, there are markly differences between them all, of course there are the prepared food, if you want to make a dinner by yourself, you can buy fruits and vegetables from supermarkets, grocery stores, smaller markets or street markets but these are open only for specific days in some regions, or if you want any other food, the Chinese cuisine and Vietnamese cuisine are very popular too.