Marseille is the second largest city in France, is located on the Mediterranean Sea in the province of Provence, 771km (479 miles) south of Paris; 187km (116 miles) southwest of Nice and 31km (19 miles) outh of Aix-en-Provence, this city is one of the most important because it is the largest commercial in France. Marseille is the capital of the Provence-Alpes-C๔te d'Azur r้gion and is surrounded by many historical buildings, despite of this Marseille is a modern city with charming beaches and shop centers. Marseille was known as Phocee and this was because of its founders the Phoceans, then the city became a commercial port having as one of its products the famous ‘savon de Marseille’, the port of Marseille is also important since it's a crossroad for many ships in the Mediterranean. This is a very elegant city and now that is easily reached from Paris is much better organized for visitors, the population of Marseille is formed by North and sub-Saharan Africans and North African descent. But Marseille had some problems in the past as corruption, the Mafia, crime, racial discrimination and unemployment mostly in the poorer, immigrant neighbourhoods. Nowadays the city is in a renaissance period, and is now one of the most visited city in France.