In the last years gay community has increased in Australia, the law against decriminalization was implanted in almost all the states of this country between 1972 and 1991 (Queensland), in some states the age of consent begins at 16 in other at 17, and in Western Australia it's 21. Today exist many organizations in Australia against the homophobia, some of them are: Australian Coalition for Equality (ACE), Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) and Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (VGLRL). A big group of gay venues have been installed across Australia, many bars, clubs, hotels and any kind of travel service. A big part of gays and lesbians can be seen at beaches, and they are very friendly so it won't be difficult to get in touch with them. Sydney is popular for being an open mind society, actually it is one of the world's great gay cities, the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade is a big-scale annual gay parade and festival, celebrated on June 24 at first and now from 2 February to 3 March, the festival include theatre, music and dance performances, most of times it takes place on the Sydney Opera House. The Australian Gay and Lesbian Tourism Association is very helpful to find accommodation, travel agents, resorts or any kind of need you'll have, its main aim is to make of Australia the top destination for gays and lesbians around the world, and its working hard for getting it, GALTA can give you more information about the gay community in this country: