มvila is a medieval city in the province of Castile-L้on in western Spain, about 70 miles northwest of Madrid. The entire old town of มvila has been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.Two kilometers of medieval walls and nearly ninety stout towers completely encircle the old part of town. This walls were founded in the 11th century to protect the Spanish territories from the Moors. มvila also has a Romanesque cathedral, a number of medieval churches, and an authentic medieval atmosphere. The city was captured by the Arab Moors in 714 AD, recaptured by the Christians in 1088, and had its protective walls built in the 12th century. Alfonso VI ordered the construction of the Avila walls after his conquest of the town in 1090, using Moorish prisoners for the task.Winters can be cold here, due in part to the townดs elevation above 1000 meters, but summers in turn are cool and pleasant. In the summer Avila can offer some relief from the intense heat of the south of Spain or even Madrid.The city of มvila is also important for the Catholic world because of its association with the great mystic and reformer St. Teresa de Jesus, better known as St. Teresa of มvila. St. Teresa was a devout mystic whose autobiography has inspired generations in their spiritual searches, she nonetheless played a practical and significant role in reforming convents across Spain. Teresa was a 16th-century Carmelite nun who reformed her order, had many ecstatic visions, and wrote several books. She is the female patron saint of Spain and was the first woman to be named a Doctor of the Church.