Cuba is the largest Caribbean country and this becomes clear also in the diversity of its population. Descendants of first Spanish settlers, African slaves, and a large part of the population which is a mix between these two groups. This certainly makes the Cubans a dynamic people - their musical talents are legendary around the world. And indeed, it is difficult not to hear Cubans sing in a bar of even the street, or hear them play a musical instrument. For some genetic reason, Cubans are able to perform until a very high age. Unfortunately, Cuba's society and it's people are also formed by its political and economic situation. Since a few years, Cubans are allowed to possess dollars - for most, the only way to obtain them is to deal in some way or another with visitors. After decades of relative isolation and the economic blockade, this in many cases leads Cubans to act desperately in their search for the greenback currency, sometimes resorting to pure dishonesty and cheating.