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Santiago de Cuba Travel Guide
In the part more to the east of the Island, shares with the province of Bayamo the Mestra Mountain range. In his more Eastern part it is the extensive National Park of Baconao, declared Reserve of the Biosphere, and the lagoon of equal name. In the Park you will be able to enjoy its tourist infrastructure, the beaches, the Museum of Mesoamericana Archaeology, the submarine aquarium and a park with gigantic prehistoric animal sculptures. The province is cradle of are and the bolero, as well as of a rich ritual culture of African influence. Their historical coffee plantations franc-Haitians of between centuries XVII and beginnings of the XIX, in the Southeast of the province, were declared Patrimony of the Humanity in November of 2000. To few kilometers of its capital, Santiago of Cuba, is the sanctuary of the Virgin of the Charity of Cobre, the pattern of Cuba. In addition to agriculture (coffee and cacao), deposits of copper and manganese exist.
Santiago de Cuba Travel Guide
In the part more to the east of the Island, shares with the province of Bayamo the Mestra Mountain range. In his more Eastern part it is the extensive National Park of Baconao, declared Reserve of the Biosphere, and the lagoon of equal name. In the Park you will be able to enjoy its tourist infrastructure, the beaches, the Museum of Mesoamericana Archaeology, the submarine aquarium and a park with gigantic prehistoric animal sculptures. The province is cradle of are and the bolero, as well as of a rich ritual culture of African influence. Their historical coffee plantations franc-Haitians of between centuries XVII and beginnings of the XIX, in the Southeast of the province, were declared Patrimony of the Humanity in November of 2000. To few kilometers of its capital, Santiago of Cuba, is the sanctuary of the Virgin of the Charity of Cobre, the pattern of Cuba. In addition to agriculture (coffee and cacao), deposits of copper and manganese exist.