Acapulco was christened as “Santa Lucia”, is one of the principal tourist destinies on the world and it is the mayor Mexican sea port located in the state of Guerrero, southwest from Mexico, but its official name is “Acapulco de Juแrez”.You can admire in Acapulco a natural beauty environs; mountains give the access to the town, though not difficult to access particularly since the construction of a 2-km-long tunnel to the waterfront from the remote areas in the 1990s. An earlier effort to get the cooling sea breezes by cutting through the mountains a passage called the Abra de San Nicolas had some beneficial and comforting effect.In the coordinates latitude 16.85ฐ to the north and longitude 99.92ฐ to the west is located Acapulco. According to the census of the year the 2005 municipality had 717 766 inhabitants, according to the INEGI in Acapulco is 24% of the population of Guerrero. Account with a territorial extension of 1.882,60 km ฒ what represents the 2,6% of the state surface and its coast (62 kilometers in length) occupies the 12,3% of the coast of the state.