Almeria is among those Andalusian cities which have best preserved their Moorish heritage. Located on the southeast coast of Spain in a beautiful bay, Almeria was once a thriving Moorish capital said to rival Granada in splendor. The city has been influenced by many civilizations having been home to the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs and Christians during it’s history.Evidence of the rich history of Almeria can be found through out the city. There are many historical buildings and monuments well worth a visit in Almeria. For example, Almeria has a 10th-century Moorish castle - the Alcazaba - which is probably the best remaining example of Moorish military building.Built in the 10th Century by Abd-erRahman 111 the fort dominates the city and affords fabulous views of the area. This building has three huge walled enclosures, in the second of which are the remains of a mosque, converted to a chapel by the Reyes Cat๓licos. The Alcazaba is considered to be oญne of the greatest forts in Andalusia.The Cathedral of Almeria is also another historical buildings of Almeria. It's in the old part of the city. This Cathedral is heavily fortified having been built in the 16th century when area was being raided by pirate forces from Turkey and North Africa. Parish Church of Santiago Ap๓stol is another historical building of Almeria and is in the Calle de las Tiendas. Built in 1559 it’s architecture this church is listed as a national monument. Also of note is Almeriaดs cave quarter, the Barrio de la Chanca.