Many countries demand that your U.S. passport be valid at least 6 months or longer after the date of travel. Please check with the Embassy or nearest Consulate of the country that you want to visit for their requirements and view the country listing below.A visa is a permission to enter and leave the country to be visited. It is a stamp of endorsement placed in a passport by a consular official of the country to which entry is requested. Nearly all countries ask visitors from other nations to have in their possession a valid visa obtained before departing from their home country. A visa may be obtained from foreign embassies or consulates located in the U.S.If a visa is needed, obtain it from the appropriate foreign consular representative or by using a visa service.Various countries do not ask U.S. citizens to have passports and visas for certain types of travel, mostly tourist. Instead they issue a simple tourist card which can be obtained from the nearest consulate of the country. In some countries, the transportation company is authorized to grant tourist cards. The photographs required in submitting visa applications should be full view and should not be larger than 3 x 3 inches nor smaller than 2.5 x 2.5 inches on white background.