The ideal months to visit Spain are between May and September (plus April and October in the south). At these times you can rely on good weather, yet avoid the sometimes extreme heat - and the main crush of Spanish and foreign tourists. In many parts of Spain, high season begins during Holy Week (Semana Santa) and includes festival days. If you want to make sure you hit some parties, the best festivals are concentrated between Holy Week and September. Summer is high season for coastal and interior regions in Spain. Tourism on the Iberian Peninsula reaches its height in August; the coastal regions overflow while inland cities empty out, leaving closed offices, restaurants, and lodgings. The Peninsula plays host to some thirty million tourists a year - almost one for every resident - and all the main beach and mountain resorts are packed in July and August, as are the major sights. So, as a general rule, always make reservations if you plan to travel in those months.On the other hand, traveling in the low season has many advantages, most noticeably lighter crowds and lower prices. Many hostels cut their prices by at least 30%, and reservations are seldom necessary. However, keep in mind that, during these months, many smaller seaside spots are ghost towns, and tourist offices and sights cut their hours nearly everywhere.